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Raymond M. Planinsic, MD, FASA

  • Professor
  • Director, Transplant Anesthesiology and Transplant QI, UPMC Presbyterian
  • Director, Hepatic Transplantation Anesthesiology Fellowship Program

Dr. Raymond M. Planinsic is a board certified anesthesiologist and director of the hepatic, intestinal, mutivisceral, renal, and pancreas transplantation anesthesiology service at UPMC Presbyterian. He is a member of numerous professional societies including but not limited to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (member ASA Committee on Transplant Anesthesia), the International Anesthesia Research Society, the International Liver Transplantation Society, and the Intestinal Transplantation Society. He serves on the editorial board of the journals Liver Transplantation,Clinical Transplantation, World Journal of Transplantation, World Journal of Anesthesiology, Open Journal of Organ Transplantation, Open Journal of Anesthesiology, World Journal of Surgical Procedures and is an invited manuscript reviewer for several other peer review journals. Dr. Planinsic is the author of numerous book chapters, articles and abstracts, and often speaks at national and international meetings.

    Education & Training

  • Carnegie-Mellon University, BS
  • Mount Sinai School of Medicine, MD
  • Allegheny General Hospital/Medical College of Pennsylvania, Internship
  • UPMC, Anesthesiology Residency
  • Beth Israel Medical Center/Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Internal Medicine Residency
Representative Publications

Dr. Planinsic's publications can be reviewed through the National Library of Medicine's publication database.

Research, Clinical, and/or Academic Interests

Coagulation Monitoring and Treatments

  • Use of PCC in orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT)
  • Use of fibrinogen concentrate in OLT

Transplantation Outcome Studies

  • Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) experience in live liver donors
  • ERAS experience in live kidney donors
  • Use of Bridge Device in kidney donors
  • Use of Bridge Device in live liver donors to decrease narcotic use in the opioid-free era

Cardiac Risk Assessment and Monitoring in OLT

  • Use of transesophageal echocardiography in OLT
  • Cardiac Risk Assessment (multicenter trial)


hepatic, intestinal, multivisceral, renal, and pancreatic transplantation anesthesiology