Our faculty and trainees will present the following work at the upcoming 2023 pediatric anesthesiology meetings in Austin, Texas – the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine (SPPM) and Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society (CCAS) meetings on March 30 and the Society of Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA)- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) meeting on March 31 - April 2. Department names are bolded.
- Semerjit Bains, MD (alum); Lindsay Stollings, MD; Brian Blasiole, MD; Khoa Nguyen, MD; Aparna Phadke, MD; Patrick Callahan, MD, Sara Trucco, MD; Jacqueline Kreutzer, MD; Bryan Goldstein, MD; Phillip Adams, DO, FASA: Impact of Fontan Ventilation Strategy on Cardiac Output: An Invasive Physiologic Crossover Study (CCAS/SPA - selected for oral presentation and under consideration for CCAS Best Abstract Award)
- Madeline Bireley, MD (presenter); Stephanie Parry, MD; Phil Adams, DO, FASA: Anesthetic Considerations in a Child with ATP1A3 Mutation (moderated digital poster session, April 1st, SPA)
- Jessica Boateng, DO (presenter); Nicole Verdecchia, MD: Combined pudendal and genitofemoral nerve blocks for labial sclerotherapy result in opioid free experience (SPA moderated poster session/digital poster presentation)
- Franklyn Cladis, MD: RTD 2: Promoting Psychological Safety in the Clinical Learning Environment, March 31, 4:50 PM - 6:00 PM (SPA)
- Matthew Kocher, MD, Maria Evankovich; Sabri Yilmaz, MD; Mihaela Visoiu, MD: Utility of Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Embolization Therapy for Vascular Malformations (moderated poster session/digital poster presentation at both SPMM and SPA)
- Ryan Kotecki, DO (presenter); Daniela Damian, MD; Kyle Soltys, MD; Mihaela Visoiu, MD: Ultrasound-Guided, Single Injection, Subcostal Transversus Abdominis Plane and Rectus Sheath Blocks to Facilitate Early Recovery after Liver Transplantation (SPA moderated poster session/digital poster presentation)
- Michael D. Nicolay, MD; Mihaela Visoiu, MD: PBLD 2: It Went Intrapleural, Then Broke; I Cannot Remove it Now. This Nerve Block Catheter has Got Me Crazy! (SPA)
- Lu'ay Nubani, MD; Alexander Praslick, MD; Dritan Prifti, MD; Mihaela Visoiu, MD (organizer): WORKSHOP - Ultrasound-Guided Caudal Block, Single Injections, and Catheter Placement Advanced Cephalad at the Lumbar or Thoracic Level, April 1, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (SPA)
- Stephanie Parry, MD (presenter); Khoa N. Nguyen, MD; Brian Blasiole, MD, PhD: Emergent Craniotomy for Abscess Evacuation in Fontan, April 1 (moderated poster session, SPA)
- Elizabeth Pickle, MD (presenter): Intraoperative Hyperkalemia Following Administration of Tranexamic Acid in a Young Man Undergoing Resection of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma (poster, SPA)
- Jacob Pickle, MD, MBA; Scott E. Licata, MD; Mihaela Visoiu, MD: Paravertebral Catheters and the Need for Removal Prior to Enoxaparin Therapy in Children – A Retrospective Chart Review Study (moderated poster session/digital poster presentation at both SPMM and SPA)
- Holly Turula, MD (presenter); Scott Licata, MD; Gregory Williamson, MD; Peter Davis, MD: Unplanned 24 Hour Readmission Rates in an Outpatient Ambulatory Pediatric Surgical Center (poster, SPA)
- Mihaela Visoiu, MD; Sophie Shapiro; Aya Alkhafaji; Ishan Bhatia; Taylor Brightman; Rachyl Rackin; Michelle Tsizhovkin; Claire Tushak; Victoria Turchick: Design and Development of an Accessible Remote Dosing Device for the CADD Patient-Controlled Analgesia (moderated poster session/digital poster presentation at SPMM and SPA Lightning Abstract Session, April 1)
- Mihaela Visoiu, MD; Victoria Turchick; Daniel Yates; Anish Ghodadra; Emily Lickert; Sean Graves; Maxwell Lohss; Brandon Barber: Neonatal Ultrasound-Guided Caudal Epidural Catheter Block Simulator (moderated poster session/digital poster presentation at both SPMM and SPA)
- Joseph Vitale, MD; Lindsay Stollings, MD; Khoa Nguyen, MD; Aparna Phadke, MD; Phillip Adams, DO, FASA: Increased Rp:Rs is Not Associated with Increased Chest Tube Requirements in Patients Undergoing Fontan Procedure (poster presentation, CCAS and SPA)
- Shanté White, MD (presenter); Ryan Nelson, MD, MS; Nicole Verdecchia, MD; Franklyn Cladis, MD: Pre-Hospital Oral Clonidine to Reduce Severe Pre-Operative Anxiety in Pediatric Patients with Behavioral Disorders (moderated digital poster, SPA, April 1, 11am - 12:30 pm)
- Gregory Williamson, MD (presenter); Scott Licata, MD; Holly Turula, MD; Peter Davis, MD: Effect of BMI on Outpatient Ambulatory Pediatric Surgery 30-day Readmission Rate at a Standalone Pediatric Surgery Center (moderated poster presentation, SPA, April 1